You Are About to Learn How to Protect Yourself

Consumer Protection works best with Legal Support

Nobody wants shoddy merchandise. It is not a pleasant surprise to discover that a major appliance is defective, or that an expensive entertainment system breaks down after it is turned on. Some of the problems may be product defects that are potentially dangerous. Some unscrupulous merchants get away with this because they figure the individual doesn’t know enough to file a complaint. They change their attitude immediately when they discover they are dealing with a person who is a group legal plan member.

Consumer Protection Is a Right!

It was because of so many injuries and accidents that government enacted consumer protection laws. Those are on the books and they need to be obeyed. Most stores will do that because they do not want the bad publicity. Others, unfortunately, don’t really care. A consumer complaint that is poorly developed goes absolutely nowhere. It is why group legal services that provide for a knowledgeable attorney helps. That legal professional is able to advise a person on how to properly file for redress.

Countrywide prepaid legal services is very sensitive to the needs of plan members. We offer a benefit option that emphasizes consumer protection advice. Our attorneys are very knowledgeable in the area of consumer protection law and provide the kind of guidance necessary to right a wrong. This includes helping with the filing of a consumer protection complaint with the proper agency. The group legal services not stop there.

We Use a Full-Court Press

Any company that tries to pass off shoddy merchandise onto a Countrywide group legal plan member faces highly organized pushback. Countrywide group legal services include telephone calls made by the attorney on behalf of the plan member. Adding to the pressure on a stubborn store owner the attorney will also write letters on legal stationery, warning of possible severe legal consequences. This type of action combined with a well-written consumer complaint has results. No merchant wants to go to small claims court over something they have sold. All of this is part of the assistance we provide to end a problem for a consumer.

Time Waits for No One and No One Needs to Wait for Us

Consumer complaints need to be handled quickly and effectively. The Countrywide group legal plan is known for its easy administration. No plan member has to wait for Countrywide attorney to spring into action. The problem is given priority value and the lawyer works hard to see to it that the issue is brought to a solution rapidly. Any questions that a plan member may have is not a problem. Countrywide will allow unlimited telephone calls on a given situation. If a plan member feels more comfortable talking about his consumer complaint face-to-face, that type of consultation can be arranged easily. Countrywide lawyers live in the community of the plan member. That makes communication even easier.

Consumer Protection Is Only One of Our Benefit Options

Countrywide has offered comprehensive group legal services benefits since 1987 for all kinds of organizations. Employers have unique needs and we respect that. Countrywide offers a variety of options, and allow decision-makers to select what they need. This means that the Countrywide plan is tailored to the client’s expectations. We do not force anyone any of our benefits. No matter what benefits are selected, the plan comes with a commitment to high-quality customer service.

Consumer protection keeps faulty equipment from being sold to unsuspecting customers. The Countrywide attorney can see to it action is taken that results in a problem being corrected. We encourage decision-makers to contact us about all of our group legal plan services. We provide the kind of assistance that helps employees were caught in a tough spot